Life of the Land Comments on Legal Settlement for Pearl Harbor Contamination
Life of the Land filed comments on May 24, 2021, regarding the US Department of Justice`s proposed settlement of a major Pearl Harbor contamination site. The Federal Register included a Notice by the Justice Department on April 23, 2021, regarding a Settlement for Walker Bay pollution. Environment Hawai`i provided a link to the Settlement Agreement . Life of the Land opposes the proposed settlement. Life of the Land is intimately familiar with military pollution and clean-up issues, especially Walker Bay, the most polluted pesticide site in Hawai`i, a site involving dioxin, the most dangerous man-made pollutant. One Hawai`i Department of Health (HDOH) official said it was the most contaminated site in the U.S. west of the Rockies. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Dioxins, and Furans are a class of related chemicals that vary in toxicity. One can examine the amount and toxicity of each of the chemicals found at a contaminated site and convert them to the equivalent...